Friday, December 14, 2007


永远不会发脾气的女人就如同一杯白开水- 解渴,却无味。
你迟到,她向你发脾气,是因为她紧张你,她怕你出了什么意外。你抽烟,她向 你发脾气,是因为她担 心你的身体健康。
你喝酒,她向你发脾气,是因为她担心你 酒醉后没有人照顾,感觉到孤单,更怕你在酒吧会出什么事,留下她一个人,她希望跟你长长久久,白头到老 。
你臭袜子乱扔 ,她向你发脾气,是因为她关心你,她怕有一天她不在时,你会被自己的臭袜子淹没,所以她要先把你训练好。
你忘记她的生日,她向你发脾 气,是因为她对你有所期待,她并不 会要求一个陌生人记住她的生日。
女人是最讲理的动物 ,她的脾气往往导因于各式各样的理由。
女人可以为了一件小得不 能再小的事,发一场大得不能再大的脾气。
因为女人对身边 的男人有所要求,有所期望,所以常常会失望;失落。
因此 ,女人容易对男人发脾气。

身边有个会向你发脾气的女人,其实是一 件多么幸福的事!而身边有一个会让自己发脾气的男人,是对女人最大的折磨,也是莫大的幸福 。珍惜你身边那个爱生 气的女人,因为会发脾气的女人最可爱了~  假如有一天,她 不在为你生气。。。。留下的只有漆黑的房间,慌乱的心跳,述说着心灵深处的痛 楚。那寂寞的思念,那暗淡的惆怅,还有那幸福的幻觉,独自呓语。

Thursday, December 13, 2007






再到后来弱水引申为爱河情海。这便是我们现在口边的弱水三千的意思。第一次正式的提出在《红楼梦》第九十一回纵淫心宝蟾工设计布疑阵宝玉妄谈禅:黛玉道:"宝姐姐和你好你怎么样?宝姐姐不和你好你怎么样?宝姐姐前儿和你好,如今不和你好你怎么样?今儿和你好,后来不和你好你怎么样?你和他好他偏不和你好你怎么样?你不和他好他偏要和你好你怎么样?"宝玉呆了半晌,忽然大笑道:"任凭弱水三千,我只取一瓢饮."黛玉道:"瓢之漂水奈何?"宝玉道: "非瓢漂水,水自流,瓢自漂耳!"黛玉道:"水止珠沉,奈何?"宝玉道:"禅心已作沾泥絮, 莫向春风舞鹧鸪."黛玉道:"禅门第一戒是不打诳语的."宝玉道:"有如三宝 "。 从此男女之间信誓旦旦就开始用弱水三千只取一瓢的套话了。稍微少人知的是近代诗人苏曼殊的《碎簪记》,里面有段对白:余曰:然则二美并爱之矣。复叹曰:君思‘弱水三千’之意,当知吾心。又问:然君意属谁先?余曰:淑芳。


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Learn YouR "ABC"

A for apple, B for boy, C for cat...thats wat i learn during my kindergarden childhood.
R for rabbit...that wats i am...i'm a rabbit...everyone born in 1987 are rabbits~
But now...i'm not more a child like yesterday, R for me is - Responsibilty
Adulthood = responsibility

Weekdays u have to deal with ur studies, if u are a student, no doubt for a med student...
U have to deal with ur works, if u are working...u have to earn your own pay everything u need, rental, daily spending blah blah more like the children, living in thier own world...
Sometimes ppl will blame the mighty God, why why why...why all these happen on me...
While others live thier lives so happy, full with laughness n joy~
Why i need to keep worry this n that...y i'm the choosen one...
The only sentence used to console this kind of ppl is - He's making all the obstacles to test the preserverance, to make u grow mature, ur best days are coming soon...but when?

I've been through this kind of life for more than 3 years...when will this end?
Am i an adult, NO, i'm still a teenage, i should have enjoying my life...
Wat is an adult...when u will b considered as an adult? After lose ur virginity? Haha...think more matured~

A child always has a dream, hoping the adulthood coming jz as fast as it will be tmr...
But now, i'm consider myself as an adult...i tell u frankly, i so wish i'm not wat i am...
i wan to be who am i, i not yet prepare to take all these...
Wake up, u must take up ur a student, as a elder brother and as a son of ur parents.
Although it is real tough way...but u r on that path...beside reach the finishing line...there no alternative way...
Ur life is own by the R in adulthood~

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Oh my god...i asked u to suggest a topic but u gave me...dust...fine fine...thx anyway...
Wat i'm talking is not an ordinary dust...not the stupid tiny, not viable through eye, the one floating in air around us...not that one~ not the one we studied in microbiology...not the one cause hypersensivity, not the carrier agents~

Once human was said having a deamon. Deamon is a kind of pet which share the soul of it's human with one deamon...they are linked everything...
Deamon injured, master get the pain...master dead deamon gone~ Kinda of fairytail world, believe it or not? Believe it...

The deamon was said will keep on changing their appearance, form ratz to birds to cat to anything...but still an animal...haha~here come the dust...
Dust is a particle form the other world..will go thought the deamon then to the master...making a close connection between them...but now...
We have no deamon, no more dust...the world had evolve...
(more detail information, please get it from "The Golden Compass")

Deamon which said share the soul of separate apart from us...that wat we always looking for...our true love~ but when u found one...u say that ur real love...but one day...u will say u made mistake...that's not the real one~
Are ur partner ur deamon, o u are ur partner's deamon? U get wat i mean?
Izzit u belong to her, or she belong to u? Is this a real matter or issue we concerned?
She loves u more? O u love her more? And u love her more than love urself? another issue

When u see some1 u admire, will ur heartbeat increase - Tachycardia
BP increase? More cardiac output? these all sign n synptoms when u found ur "deamon"
But if u already had one, but when u see her o him, u have no the above sign...wat does this means?
My chemical romance - I dont love u like i did yesterday~
But dun forget once u said this...
I love more than anything...i willing die for u...i will...i promise...and i will give u everything!~
Let the Dust connected both of u...keep on connecting...
Be her "deamon" instead of making her ur deamon...appreatite b4 u lose it~

Sunday, December 9, 2007


Wat is friendship? FrenZ on the ship? Relationship with frenz?
Always ppl say frenship is forever, love is jz temporary~
Wait a minute...are u sure?
Wat u mean by forever? Even a fren u din contact for a long time, izzit still a long lasting relation? How bout changes happened in frenship? Some1 betrayed u, is the words
"frenz forever" still come out from ur mouth? For sure that time u will say - fxxx off, stay away from my life~!! Lolz...wat a FRIENDSHIP~

Friendship is jz like u and a certain ppl sitting on the same ship, jz both of u on the ship, both of u sure have similiarity in some way...mayb hobby, interests o personality~
But dun forget, ship is in the middle of the ocean, u donno when will it stop when will it move...when will u reach the shore~ n the ship's structures also will be destroy by unexpected bad weather~
So i will say nothing is forever, besides one thing - family~
No matter wat, he's still ur dad, she's still ur mum, each of them sponsored half of ur gene~!!!

Couples do started from friends~ think bout these...
1) I don want to be just a frenz to u.
-then wat u wanna be? Best frenz? Haha
2) Why dont us be frenz? Like last time.
-now wat? trying to dump me?

Love started with friendship, going to end in friendship too~


4星期 7日 24小时

Thursday, December 6, 2007


This sentence remind me of something...something i heard always...
Direct translated as - drop leaf willing to follow the running river, by river has no intention to bring leaf along~ Meaning behind it...u love someone n u willing to do anything jz to be with him o her, but this doesnt means he o she must repay ur love~ Deep huh? Seriously hard to understand~

A relationship is easy to be started, hard to be maintained...jz like car...u can buy a car by paying the down payment, but the rest of ur life will be bounded by it's maintainence fees, petrol money n etc.

Love is jz like tornado if it come too fast...same as how it go away from u...i considered some1 in danger if she o he in love...too bad ya~ but it's true~
So how to choose someone to run this LOVE relationship with u, some1 with the personality exactly same with u? o some1 totally different?
If too similiar, izzit a good new to be celebrated?
If too different, izzit a bad new to be consoled?


他們結婚已有兩年了。 他愛好文學,經常寫文章放上網絡,可是從來沒有人去看。他也會攝影,他們結婚的照片就是他自己拍的。他很愛她。她也是。她脾氣很大,經常「欺負」他,是個「辛辣小霸王」。他脾氣不大,經常讓她,是個「廿四孝老公」。


第一天。她「封鎖」了廚房、浴室、電腦、雪櫃、電視機、音嚮組合,只有雙人床沒被「封鎖」,以示「寬宏大量」。當然,她自己也要睡; 他不在乎,因為他口袋還有點零錢。


她氣極了,想爬起來與他打一場。但她又忍住了,要讓他把話說完,不能沒有「度量」,不過,她覺得眼睛有 點濕了。他從胸口摸出一張照片。她猜出他是從貼身襯衫口袋掏出來的,因為前天只有這件襯衫沒有搜索過,是看走了眼。
他﹕「她說和我 ; ;結婚後全力支持我寫作。」
他把那張照片湊到她眼前。她火氣很大,一掌打開他的手,再在他瞼上留下鮮紅的五指印。他嘆了口氣。她出了口氣。他把照片放回口袋。她把手縮進被窩。他把燈熄了,睡了。她把燈開了,起來。他睡著了。她失眠了。她後悔了,不該對他這樣。她又哭了,想了很多。她要把他喊醒,要和他親親熱熱地談談。她絕不再逼他了。她盯住他胸口。她要看看那個女孩究竟是什麼樣子。她摸出照片。她又好氣又好笑,又想哭又想笑。那是她自己的「標準照」。是他替她拍的。她俯下身來,在他的臉上親了一下。他笑了。原來他也沒有睡著。 人與人相處 感情有時淡有時濃只要不要忘記最初的相識情境感情才能長久戀人、朋友皆是。

"Hefner" vs Innocent+Naive

When a girl saw any boy playing a game called "triangle relationship", confirm one sentence will come out from the girl's mouth..."fxxx all guys, all the guys are same, PLAYBOY"
Plz...for all the girls who are reading this, please dun make conclution so damn faz. Even though crow are MOSTLY in black...but still there are some white crow...not only white...wat colour u wan? i make one for u...

That the mask of life...wat u called it? Bias? Oh yeah...confounding...haha~ Not only men used mask to face the reality world, the same time, girls too have mask...some even worst...thick make up~ some used their mask to cover their real personality to make things go smooth in their life...and some men used it for...u know wat i'm saying~

19 years old...a stage where maturing process mayb jz in 60%, but to me...ur maturity not more than u're facing a guy with 10 masks~ woah...damn it...i really wan open a 365bet...
betting u lose in the game...

For u maybe it's not the game...for me...for everyone view it overall, it is jz a peanut game for the guy...there are possibility that wat he said is true, wat we were guessing n wat the rumours we heard were wrong...but the possibility is damn low...u can go ask Dr.Narayan to calculate T-test for u, the result will be...hey girl wake up from ur dream~

Guys can make excuses for wat they did, if they were late for a meeting - traffic jam. If they were too early for a dating(forget the exact time haha), they will say i purposely wanna give u a surprise~ so did him...if a girl asked you...why u still go after me since u got another girl with u...
wat will be ur answer?
1) Dun listen to the rumours, they're jealousing us.
2) Dun believe them, if u really believe them than me, no point for us to be together.
3)If i really got another girl, will i have the time to msg n call u every seconds?

There are more excuses for this...damn...this is the strongest evidence to prove men are always better than girls...haha...take ur time...19 only...ppl 22 d also still choosing...haha...sorry girl~
i never make a sound in this issue...coz i never know the real situation...but since u as my fren...
n i got the freetime now..n this blog specially for u...
Think twice b4 u leap...aLL the BesT~

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


[F]ather [A]nd [M]other [I] [L]ove [Y]ou....
A word keep on drifting in my mind...i think i have lost it...the meaning of it...the feeling being in it...really...heart breaken issue...izzit my fault? Is it the consequences of all the bad things i did so u return it to me like this? when all of this going to stop? Plz...stop it right the fxxx'ing now...

Friday...the day i come back from SP after a week of lectures...a double storey house i call it as my house...without "family" taste inside...for me now it is a roof for me top stay from sunlight n rain...a place for me to sleep when i tired...
I tot home is a place for u to cry if u sad...for u to laugh if u joy...for u to rest if u r tired...always there for u if u in trouble...

I'm crying alone outside...i laugh with my frenz...i solve my own problems...n i day...i rest myself in peace~

But still i'm hoping...n i family will come back in one day...
i have faith in all of you...

The word "izzit"

"Izzit"...jz a normal combination of 4 alphaberts, had make my 4th Dec 2007 midnight so meaningful n funny. A long midnight i spent in "MackeD" (MacD in Telugu slang), with a very interesting topic - Boys n Girls relationship. A topic anna used to ask around....haha...

The story began like this...once upon the time...a tall n thin fur ball so called fall in luv with some1...but too bad...his housemate...which is jz the opposite of the description to furball, crush on the same girl at the same time...but furball too good in keeping his own secret...till yesterday only we discovered...jz by one word - Izzit

Epidemiology prevention - i'm going thought primordial prevention, to avoid exposure to causal i'm not going to elaborate the story~hehehe...

Izzit u always lie n fool around? I knew it dear...Gemuk xxx~ hehe...
i think only 5 persons understand the shit behind this sentence~

Men are born to be??? Men are born to be loved and repay their love to one can define LOVE...even an expert in love...i really dont understand someone calling themselves as expert in love...lame~ they study love?? o they go through many loves o they make a lot of love??? I had it...enough is enough...

Y cant men jz be faithful in love? Y someone always surrounded by love from everyone but the others keep on giving their love to other without any payback?
why a couple after went through 4-5 years can easily break up jz with one phone call?
Before a guy plan to break up a relationship...plz flashback the time u went after her...wat did u promise her...wat sweet words u had say...n how eager that time u r to have her as ur GF...but at this second u want to put a full stop for the cruel u are...plz think twice GUY~!

OooPs...a bit out of title actually...izzit...haha...wat urs feeling when u find out ur close fren crush with some1 which u admire too...wat ur reaction? wat keep on disturbing u in ur mind - ur frontal lobe got the girl's name, parietal lobe with ur evil plan? n occipital lobe with ur pal's name? Damn...i tell u...u sure die faster than ever...coz ur centre sulcus will be flooded...dun ever think bout it...u will fxxx'ing regret after that...

Friendship is u lucky enough u will get ur true love which is forever...but love also can be a period of give n take relation...hwo long the period?? Depend on u...